Wild Week in Review
My eldest in Cabo on a camel..How cool is that?
I am making my current crossing to Utah for Altitude Summit.
The past 10 days have been crazy but, fun with lots to celebrate and be greatful for. If you are an Instagram follower, you may want to jump or excuse the duplicates.
Worked on a few fun schemes with a new client…
I am just crazy for this new Schumacher peacock fabric.
Love this Ferrick Mason lovely too.
My mugs from Pantone finally came. Love them!
I had a very cranium day…
I fell in love with this emerald and navy fabric. Who wants to use it?
These Jonathan Adler fabric curtains were installed in a client's sunroom. It is to die for!
The kitchen in an amazing media room project is complete. It is not so cool?
I bought these fun prints on Etsy. Love! I am guessing it might be more prudent to think like Dolly vs. Willie…
Stone shopping for a kitchen.. This was to pretty not to share.
Birthday dinner with the grandparents and family at Bricktops (our favorite neighborhood joint.) V is 12!
Bo is 10! This chocolate cookie in a skillet dessert is the BOMB!
My Grandmother's chaise was recovered and delivered. I love it!
And so do my dogs…about 2 minutes after delivery.
V's birthday surprise was the precious Alice and Olivia for Neiman Marcus / Target collaboration. She was thrilled.
Went to a fun dress up "apres ski" party that was filled with great costumes, food, and flowing libations. Do you love the chic Krispy Kremes on a silver platter? I do.
I bid farewell to V for 2 weeks on her Cabo trip. Excuse the 5 am no makeup face… It ain't pretty that early.
My rep showed us the new Mary McDonald collection for Schumacher. The online photos do not do it justice. Everything is better in person.
The bag is even beautiful.
I tried to be super organized for my ALT Summit packing with the help of a packing list from Design Crush Blog. I would need two Louis Vuitton steamer trunks to fit everything. Sadly some glitter and fur was cut from the rotation.
And the grand finale before heading west was Justin Beiber with Gigi and a pal. They danced their little selves silly and had a ball!
I am proud to say i am a 29+ ? year old BELIEBER. I have the BEIBER FEVER. He really does promote a wonderful message to believe in yourself. We can all use that. He also seemed very humble and grateful. Who doesn't love that from a major celebrity / rock star?
Do you believe?
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Tami Oliva
thoroughly enjoyed this "week in review" !!!!!