Thanksgivukkah and the Menorah
The Menurkey…please head to the site to hear the Menurkey song. It is worth the visit!
Ok…this is officially the most unusual post for a good southern Baptist girl turned Presbyterian. I am a but mesmerized by the Menurkey that I found when looking for chic Menorahs. I was talking with a client about her Hanukkah decorations and I decided to share some of my favorite ones I have seen.
Wisteria Crystal Menorah (75% off)
Jonathan Adler Elephant Menorah
Jonathan Adler Bel Air Menorah
…at The English Room we are equal opportunity shoppers for all occasions:) Check out these cute dreidels too.
Remember to use my great gift guides for your shopping ideas…
Holiday Gift Guide for the Little Lady
Holiday Gift Guide for the Little Dude
Holiday Gift Guide for the Home
and last but not least…my personal wishlist