Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Wow, it has been an amazingly busy few weeks with lots on the horizon as well. I am feelin' all the spring fashion rolling in. Wanting these adorable
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
There are a plethora of sales you need to jump on this weekend. Happy Shopping! Ann Taylor: Limited time only – $50 off dresses with code DRESS50. THIS is
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I am having an amazing time at the Antique & Garden Show in Nashville. I have found a few antiques and set my sights on
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I am in NYC again for a quick jaunt to see Hamilton. It was UNREAL! Sell you car, house or kid..Buy a ticket and
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
A few days in NYC can really blow your budget, waistband (see my Instagram for proof) and mind. It was all worth it celebrating
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Have you survived the first full work week of 2017? It was a busy one so I treated myself to a few prizes like THIS &
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Loving the Target Modern Global Décor Collection and the Modern Blush Décor Collection. I cannot stop thinking I need more warm snow boots only because it
Retail Therapy & Belated Weekend Wants
I know some take on all types of cleanses in January. Some are juice, the whole 30 and other intense regimens but, the
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I have been so busy shopping for others for the past month I'm actually looking forward to the after Christmas sales. I always find the
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Another week has flown by and I am in full holiday cheer neglecting the long task list in exchange for fun soirees and festive attire.