Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
We made it to Viterbo to see our daughter studying here for the year. I am so happy to have a few days with her
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants…Belated
We made it to Italy! In 2 days we have eaten more delicious food, had amazing wine and soaked ourselves in ancient culture
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Fall fashion fantasies on fleek! Boots, blouses, sneakers, scarves
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Well the most emotional week I have ever had as a parent has just finished. My son is settled in at boarding schoo and from
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Fall fashion fantasies on fleek! Boots, blouses, sneakers, and coats
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Fall fashion goodness is coming at you rapid fire. Boots, blouses, sneakers, and coats
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
The next 48 hours will be a whirlwind! We have a fun party tonight, an early barn call time to show at 8am, the Trunk
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
So many wants and so little time. We had a busy morning at the horseshow. Now it is time for some porch sittin' and relaxing. Watching