Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I love fashion and a NYC trip always intensifies that! Here are the things that have caught my eye. I am wanting THESE, THIS, and THIS I have
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Still unpacking and realizing I have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF yet I love stuff! I love fashion and cannot help myself. I am purging by
Retal Therapy & Weekend Wants
Nothing should cure you of shopping more than moving. Holy Shizzle! I am not sure this is not a fate worse than death. It is
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants…TAKE TWO
We had a little technical difficulty yesterday
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Happy Groundhog Day! I am not happy about Puxatony Phil seeing his shadow. I am ready for some sandal weather as I just discovered you can
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
So many things to want