Shopping Tag

 You know I love shopping and a good gift guide. I am putting all my ideas over on my KEEP Valentine's Day board. Check it

This week at ALT Summit has left me more inspired than ever.  The fashions were off the hook. My shopaholic tendencies are in serious overdrive

I am thrilled to introduce you to fabulous new jewelry line by two lovely Charlotte gals. This line is like nothing else I have ever

The Year of the Horse is upon us and this popular motif can be found everywhere from fashion to interiors.  I personally have a love

via I LOVE a good crazy fur.  The more outlandish the better.  Most people would be terrified of these beasts but I say "Bring IT ON!" Life

Black Friday madness abounds.  No one in my house has a list or a clue as to what they want.  So I will continue to

via  So many wants