Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
This week my shopping has been a hair different. It has consisted of saddle pads, stirrup leathers, and scratches medicine. We are in Ocala, Florida
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I am so bummed! I left the INCREDIBLE TSCSummit at Sea Island hoping to head to Ft. Worth and TCU for a weekend with my
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I never used to think January dragged on but, really! This month has had at least 8 weeks. I love cold weather but I am
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
It was a great busy with some snow sprinkled in. I LOVE cold weather and great coats and boots but it has certainly cramped my
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
It was a great busy work week! It is nice to be back to a routine. We headed to the mountains for the long weekend
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Whoohoo I am free again! I spent 5 days at home and while it was a nice break after a whirlwind holiday break but, I had
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
2022 is off with a bang! I spent the day relaxing and catching up on the Sex and the City reboot. I spent some time
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I am so busy having fun with my high school friends celebrating our BIG birthday this year yet,I still had time to slip in some
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Happy Weekend! How in the world are we upon Thanksgiving? This year has flown in a flash. I'm thrilled to have my family together for
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I'm just in the door from the Washington International Horse Show. Off to Kentucky next week and then we will be finished with year end