Pinterest Tag

I have another Decorex find to share.  I came across Alice Peto and her fabulous china while on Blogtour London.  She was sharing a space

The One Room Challenge headed up by Calling It Home continues. Here are WEEK 1,  WEEK 2 and WEEK 3 if you are just tuning in.  This is a semi-annual event where 20 bloggers,

Pantone forecasts the color future and we have Dazzling Blue to look forward to in Spring of 2014.  These predictions seem to tell the future

I am excited to head off to High Point Market to see the latest and greatest in design.  Worlds Away has already posted their new introductions

I am happy to share an article I wrote for Designer Marketplace.  This article is directed at designers but, any DIY'er needs to have

The One Room Challenge headed up by Calling It Home continues. Here are WEEK 1 and WEEK 2 if you are just tuning in.  This is a semi-annual event where 20 bloggers,

One of my many favorite finds from Blogtour London with Modenus was at Decorex.  I was totally taken with a textile company called Timorous Beasties.  Truly