Link Lovin’
We hare having a ball on Spring Break and the weather is perfect on day 1. A fully loaded Bloody Mary always helps
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I am crazy for some of the new OOMPH new introductions. Here are the highlights for me. BLUE HILL SIDE TABLE The first round side table from oomph.
Artist Spotlight Series: Kerri Rosenthal
I discovered Kerri Rosenthal on the web and have been Pinterest stalking her for ages. I finally decided it was time to connect after I
The Olympic Games and Great Game Tables…
A wonderful beach week has concluded. Other than watching hours on end of the Olympics each night, we did lots of puzzles and games
Backgammon Beauties
I have spent countless hours playing Backgammon. It is a great game. In college we sat by the pool daily playing until we were burned
Quatrefoil Crazy
I love the quatrefoil shape. It has long been seen in design. It can be seen commonly in gothic architecture and moroccan design. This classic motif