Lake Burton Bliss via Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles
I am undoubtedly a color girl but, this quite palate of crisp white is certainly enticing. I could not resist sharing this lovely lake
Met Ball 2014 Dress to Room Pairings
The Annual Costume Institute Gala at The Met was Monday night and I could not get enough. This is the night of the fashion Olympics,
Travel Tuesday: The Haymarket London
I am headed to LA for Legends, #lcdqla and meetings this week. I have had loads of travel this Spring which I LOVE but,
Crush on Lee Kleinhelter in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles
This piece in the latest Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles featuring the FAB work of Lee Kleinhelter, of Pieces, is too good to not
A Few FABULOUS Features on The English Room
I am feeling so blessed to have some great mentions the past few weeks
One Room Challenge: Week 3
Here we are already on week 3 of the One Room Challenge. Yikes! See Week 1 and Week 2 to get up to date if you
A Southern Cocktail Soiree. Style Icon Holly Phillips picks on Taigan.
I am thrilled to be featured over at Taigan in Fetch Magazine today as a Style Icon. Be sure to pop over and subscribe to
Get To Know Design Dynamo Jamie Meares
I am excited to spend more time with my friend and design dynamo Jamie Meares at the upcoming Southern C Summit in Charleston. Jamie is
New Introductions: Awesome Arteriors Home
Keeping abreast of the new High Point Market introductions while in Italy scoping out design trends with Modenus is no easy feat. I am always up for
One Room Challenge: Week 2 / The Plan for Bo’s Room
Buongiorno from Milan. I am hard at work spotting trends and being inspired in Italy. Work on Bo's room has been slightly halted by my transcontinental hop.