Artist Spotlight Series Review: 2013…30 and Counting
Happy New Year! In honor of the New Year, I am sharing one of my favorite things about my blog is my Artist series. I […]
Terrific Tartan
via Tis the season for tartan…This lovely fabric has been used for generations in fashion and interiors. It is certainly a winter look making you […]
Pillow Love: Maison de Vacances and The Rolling Stones
I married into a family of Rolling Stone obsessed groupies. My husband and his brother LOVE The Stones (to the point that someone unnamed even […]
Artist Spotlight Series: Jessie Breakwell
Jessie’s work needs no introduction. You will certainly know just why I love about this Australian talent. Jessie Breakwell Melbourne, Australia What is your training? […]
Southern Artist Spotlight Series: Jenny Andrews-Anderson
Authentically cool defines Jenny and her persona. I have followed Jenny Andrews-Anderson for a while on her uber popular blog, MFAMB, one of many of her […]
Artist Spotlight Series: Anne Harper
I saw the piece below and knew I needed to know more about Anne Harper, the artist behind it. I am excited to introduce you […]
Artist Spotlight Series: Jane Booth
I am excited to share the work of a talented artist I ran across on Pinterest. Enjoy! Jane Booth Kansas City, Missouri What is […]
Artist Spotlight Series: Alice Peto
I have another Decorex find to share. I came across Alice Peto and her fabulous china while on Blogtour London. She was sharing a space […]
Artist Spotlight Series from Tent London: Donya Coward
I am excited to introduce you to another fab find from Tent London on Blogtour London. The work of Donya Coward stopped me in my […]
Love for Lamps Plus
I am off to Paris to day with a full valise and a packed itinerary. I had to tie up a few loose ends before […]