Patrick Dougherty’s Stickwork
I am a tad obsessed with the work of artist, Patrick Dougherty. He is a North Carolina artist who does exterior sculptural work using found branches and sticks. The designs are breathtaking and imaginative. The works usually begin to break down in the natural elements within a year or two.
Check out his website to see more. You can purchase his book Stickwork. It is a favorite of mine.
Below are some of his awe inspiring works.
Morris Arboretum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Photo Credit: Rob Cardillo
Willow saplings, 35’ high.
Max Azria Melrose Avenue Boutique, Los Angeles, CA Photo Credit: David C. Calicchio
Bosque School, Albuquerque, NM Photo credit: Richard Levy
Jardin des Arts, Chateaubourg, France. Photo Credit: Charles Crie
Mixed hardwood, 100’ long x 15’ wide x 18’ high. New Harmony Gallery, New Harmony, IN. Photo Credit: Dole Dean
Here is a wonderful article on the artist by The New York Times. It is worth a read. He is a interesting man…
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I enjoy seeing Patrick's twig sculptures! He is quite a man. Several years ago he created a teapot and cup in front of our local art museum. It lasted about one year because kids kept climbing on it. So fun to see!