Search results for: Artist Spotlight Series

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I was thrilled to hear an artist I long admire is having a solo show at a Santa Fe gallery that has proved to be […]

I am obsessed with the dreamcathers at B. Pila.  I had the opportunity to see them for myself at market this week.  They are stunningly […]

Peace Out 2014.   The past is behind us…good riddance #yearoftheselfie. Bring it on 2015 Pop by tomorrow for a GREAT 2014 recap of the […]

My website and email are hopefully back in action.  Fingers crossed!   I offer you a continued feather motif to lighten the mood.  Believe me, I […]

I am coming in hot with visual overload from High Point Market.  I am running a day behind with my artist spotlight series.  It will […]

A few weeks back I featured the talented artist, Sharon Lee, in my Artist Spotlight Series.  I promised to share her wallpaper and I did […]