Let there be Light with Reprotique
I am such a fan with Reprotique and there clever innovative products in a seriously saturated design market. Reprotique Switch Plates are made to order and
Tea with India Hicks at The English Room
I had the pleasure of hosting a Tea honoring India Hicks in my shop this week. Peachy Magazine put together the event and I was
Happy Birthday Bo
How does this keep happening? My children are growing up in a flash. I am so proud of each of them in their own ways.
The Best Massage Ever
Breaking news for Charlotte friends: The greatest masseur in all the world that I have mentioned often from my summer house is coming to Charlotte
January’s Guilty Pleasure Returns: Downton Abbey Season 5
Tonight Downton Abbey Season 5 returns to our tellys and I am beyond ecstatic. Thank you PBS!!! This helps ease the January doldrums. I have waited
Happy New Year from The English Room
Peace Out 2014. The past is behind us
Manners: Stop Looking At Your Phones via ‘The Britishes’
This is just too good not to share via Youtube. Please put your phones away for Thanksgiving and enjoy your family a la Downton Abbey. *warning* colorful
The Preppy 10 Commandments via Town & Country
A little light Sunday reading
Link Lovin’
Fab article by 1st Dibs on the Henri Matisse: The Cut Outs at MoMA. If you cannot see it yourself this is the next best thing. I
Artist Spotlight Series: Ally White
Enjoyed getting to know the latest talent out of Athens, Georgia. Ally White is certainly one to watch with her colorful, bold and