Ode to Abaca Rugs
I always adore natural fiber rugs. They bring a casual ease to any space. The patterned ones always kick it up a notch. Patterson Flynn
Rug Finds via Etsy
I am always on the hunt for great vintage rugs. Etsy is a go to source for smaller sizes and runners. I was looking for
Rug Love via Etsy
I am always on the hunt for great handmade rugs. Etsy is one of my go to sources. They are a global resource with shops
Rug Love via Etsy
I am on a constant hunt for old rugs/ one of a kind rugs. Entrance hall and hallways always need individual rugs. I am also looking
Rug Love: Turkish Delight
I was pleased as punch to see these beauties arrive in my inbox. My dear Turkish friend has created a new collection of stunning colorful
Patina Vie Rug Love
I want to share a favorite rug in my house. I added this soft beauty over the sisal last fall. My family was constantly complaining
I NEED Your Help / Annie Selke Design Challenge
I was honored when I was asked to design a rug for the Annie Selke & Apartment Therapy's Design Challenge. I promised myself I would
The 2017 Annie Selke Rug Design Challenge
I have VERY exciting news to share! I am participating in the The 2017 Annie Selke Rug Design Challenge! I cannot wait to share this process with you.