Wanderlust Wednesday: Elizabeth Eakins’ Kansas Farm
One of the very best parts of my annual trip to Los Angeles for LCDQ Legends is getting to know other designers and meeting new
Dress to Room Pairings: The Met Gala 2016
It is the big night of the MET GALA 2016: Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology. This year it will be hosted by cochairs
Link Lovin’
Enjoy my way wanderings, finds and favorite articles of the week. Travel is always on the brain
Book Review: Would You like to See the House?
I have a WILD and fun new book to share. This one is for the collector, gatherer and lover of "stuff." Minimalists stop reading
Charlotte Five Article Feature
Are you reading Charlotte Five? It is a great way to stay up on local news and events. It is like a local version of
Link Lovin’
I am in information overdrive at High Point Market. The Design Bloggers Tour is an opportunity to see wonderful new products. After one day my
Dreamy Dining Room
I came across the most gorgeous fabric the other day in the showroom and I cannot stop thinking about it. The name is even dreamy
Mountain Modern via Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles
I have long been a fan of designer Kay Douglass. She creates modern masterpiece interiors that have a minimalist effect that I could never do
Out West Week: Rustic Redux in Big Sky
As I finish up our Colorado ski week and Out West Week, I have another rustic chic beauty to share. A rugged ski chalet,
Out West Week: JH Modern Home
Enjoy another look west with this stunning modern rustic home. Nestled between the Teton Range to the west and the Gros Ventre Range to the