Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
So much shopping goodness. I am dying for THESE & THESE, THIS & THIS. Dying for a full set of THESE. Totally preordering this! What are you coveting for
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
So much shopping goodness. I am dying for THESE & THESE, THIS & THIS. Totally into this color! What are you coveting for fall? (email subscribers open in
A Dries Van Noten Dream
Tonight I had the pleasure of attending the screening of the Dries documentary based on fashion designer Dries Van Noten at Wing Haven Gardens hosted
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
So much shopping goodness. I am dying for THESE & THESE. White shoes are all over the runways. I had to have this bargain glam jacket.
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
We made it to Viterbo to see our daughter studying here for the year. I am so happy to have a few days with her
Shopbop’s Sale of the Season
Shopbop is one of my favorite go to stores. There have everything from shoes, to jeans, coats, to purses and earrings
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants…Belated
We made it to Italy! In 2 days we have eaten more delicious food, had amazing wine and soaked ourselves in ancient culture
Alex Merry x Gucci
In honor of making it to Italy, I want to share my favorite Italian brand, Gucci. meets art illustration & artist Alex Merry. I am in LOVE
Art to Wear
My soul sister and artist extraordinaire, Jessica O'Neill of Art by O'Neill (featured HERE & HERE), has created some silk beauties that must be shared!