Boo’s Homemade Rolls
A little share from my post for The Southern C this week. Check out the amazing recipes for Thanksgiving.
Boo and me…Christmas 1979
Homemade yeast rolls have always been my favorite part of any family holiday. They were lovingly prepared for the whole brood by my grandmother, Beulah Rimmer Craig, and LaVonne Sherill, her faithful helper. We have enjoyed this recipe long since my Boo died. My mother still makes these only for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are like children fighting for the hot ones straight from the oven. There really is not much better than fresh baked buttery goodness to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving holiday.
Boo's Rolls:
1 C. Sour Cream
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 Cup water (lukewarm)
2 eggs (sit in warm water until needed so the can be room temp)
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup melted butter (I use salted)
2 pkgs yeast (I use Fleischmanns active dry, not rapid rise)
4 Cups of flour (Gold Medal All Purpose) or a hair less reserving the addition for rolling and kneading.
Scald sour cream. Stir in sugar, salt. butter, and cool to lukewarm. Measure warm water in a large warmed bowl. Sprinkle yeast and stir. Give it a minute to activate (it slightly bubbles and is absorbed by the water to form a creamy mixture). Add sour cream mixture that is lukewarm, eggs (beat eggs first with a fork) and flour. Blend until smooth. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. This will rise overnight to double in size.
Knead into a ball, roll in out and cut at about 1/4"- 3/8" thick using a 3" biscuit cutter. Then brush with melted butter and fold onto a greased (with butter) cookie sheet. I slightly tilt the top forward so the top covers the bottom.
Let rise in a warm area for 3 hours.
Bake at 375 until brown.
This recipe was taken from our family cookbook, "From McAdenville to Museum Drive."
Here is the chicken scratch that comprises this recipe in its many variations. My family also makes yummy cheese braids for christmas with this bread.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
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