Musings of a Design Aficionado

I am excited to introduce you to a wonderful pillow source by two Charlotte ladies. Piper Collection is a collaborative effort between Mother and daughter

I am excited to share my collaboration for a new series with Salted & Styled, the finest food blog you have ever seen.  These

Sometimes you just see something that speaks to you.  Well, this is it for me.   I LOVE this room by Summer Thornton of Summer

The fabulous new Peachy magazine is out!  Please go check it out.   Here are my fantabulous gift guides. I am cozied up on my sofa

via I LOVE a good crazy fur.  The more outlandish the better.  Most people would be terrified of these beasts but I say "Bring IT ON!" Life

My friend Kamie Rudisill of Dizzy Daisy Designs put together the above for the Christ Church Christmas Bazaar tomorrow.  Please stop by and shop with us.

Are you ready for Radiant Orchid?  It is the spicy color full of pizazz coming to you as the Pantone Color of 2014. Clearly, I am

I feel an abnormal amount of stress when my battery or devices run low.    I was given the most amazing gift from Chargecard.  You

I married into a family of Rolling Stone obsessed groupies. My husband and his brother LOVE The Stones (to the point that someone unnamed even