Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants…Belated
We made it to Italy! In 2 days we have eaten more delicious food, had amazing wine and soaked ourselves in ancient culture
Alex Merry x Gucci
In honor of making it to Italy, I want to share my favorite Italian brand, Gucci. meets art illustration & artist Alex Merry. I am in LOVE
Off to Italy!
Off to an adventure with my husband and friends to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. It is gonna be a wild trip with lots of great
Art to Wear
My soul sister and artist extraordinaire, Jessica O'Neill of Art by O'Neill (featured HERE & HERE), has created some silk beauties that must be shared!
Color Class with Christina Juarez
This collision of pattern and color must be shared! HOME TOUR: A PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIALIST'S HOME PROVES TAKING DESIGN RISKS DEFINITELY PAYS OFF via Elle Decor Design-world insider
Southern Style Now Festival
I have serious FOMO as I will be unable to attend this amazing event for school obligations. But, you should get your tickets early they
Book Love: David Hicks Scrapbooks
I am currently on inspiration overload as I have arrived home from a dreamy trip north. I visited NYC museums and showrooms, had great meals,
Dress to Room Pairings: Emmy Awards 2017
It was the big night of the Emmy 2017 Awards tonight. I am exploring Millbrook, Hudson and the small town of upstate New York
Eye Candy: Pinterest Favorites This Week
Another week has flown by! I am always inspired by travel, design & life which I share and curate on Pinterest. Here are some recent favorites all