Link Lovin’
I am leaving my heart in Texas with 2 officially settled in at TCU. So much to see, So much to read, Here are the articles, recipes
Eye Candy: Pinterest Favorites This Week
I am always inspired by travel, design & life which I share and curate on Pinterest. Here are some recent favorites all of which you can
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
I have made my way west to Texas to move my son in his dorm at TCU as a freshman and my daughter into her
Things I Love Thursday
I am back with week 73 of my Things I Love Thursday series. This is a collection of things I use/wear/want on a regular basis and want
Wallpaper Wednesday: Sunken Garden by Malmberg Studio
My Wallpaper Wednesday crush is a recently discovered Malmberg Studio. Robert Malmberg, highly acclaimed photographer, introduced Malmberg Wallpaper in spring 2021. Combining professional fine photography
Textile Tuesday: Iris Apfel Maximal Couture for Fabricut
I was at Karen Saks Showroom today sourcing for a few projects. I was stopped in sneakers when I saw the Iris Apfel Maximal Collection
Art Love: Ben Steele
Happy Monday! Being back in the office felt good. I'm ready to get ready for fall and new projects on the horizon. I'm sad to send
Link Lovin’
We are just in the door from a great 2 weeks at the Blowing Rock Horse Show. My daughter was great and I survived my
Eye Candy: Pinterest Favorites This Week
I am always inspired by travel, design & life which I share and curate on Pinterest. Here are some recent favorites all of which you can
Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Another great week in the mountains at the Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show. I cannot believe summer is almost over! I am coveting dresses galore with