Artist Spotlight Series from Tent London: Donya Coward

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I am excited to introduce you to another fab find from Tent London on Blogtour London.


 The work of Donya Coward stopped me in my tracks.


“I am a ‘Textile Taxidermist which means that my’ artwork is about preserving the craftsmanship of the  Antique and vintage laces,  embroideries and haberdashery materials i use to embroider with as much as it is about the animal imagery.”

Donya Coward

London, England


 What is your training?


Studied fashion knitwear but have always been an embroiderer and loved making things and stitching into everything.



 What inspires you and your designs? 

Medieval reinassance, churches! And the wealth of craftsmanship.

 What is your favorite piece?

All my works because I love all the materials!


How has the your area influenced your work?

Remembering to look up inspires me as in every city and town there is a building with beautiful carvings, stain glass, wood work and metal work.


What is your favorite restaurant in London?


I love Rosa’s


and Tayyabs in London. I love thai food as it feels like medicine.


What is your favorite cocktail?


Amaretto sour


How do you balance personal life and work?


 My boyfriend is always inspiring us with weekends away which means that we work hard in the week and get to see the beautiful English scenery on the weekends.


Dream trip?


 We went to Croatia and Slovenia for 5 weeks in June  and I would like to drive in our camper to Portugal through France or the dream trip would be to drive to Istabual and cross over into Iran.


Dream commission?


A residency at the V&A or the Musee de la Chasse nature in Paris.


Your favorite host / hostess gift to give?


A truly tasty meal.


Who is your style icon?


All folk costumes from Mexico, Hungry and most eastern European countries.


Your favorite up and coming artist?


I love the work of Maxine Sutton.


What is your most treasured possession?


Photos of family and friends.


What are you reading?

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To sir with love by E.R Braithewaite. 

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And Alias grace by Margaret Atwood on audio book. 


 What are you listening to?

sldie_mercury_2 Sam lee, he’s an amazing folk artist

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Are you as enamored with her work as I am? especially the Zebra!

 Be sure to follow Donya on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.

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