Artist Spotlight Series: Caroline Reehl Boykin

I cannot believe I have not shared this artist before.

This North Carolina artist is multi talented with her background as a ceramicist.

  I proudly have a piece in my own collection. Enjoy getting to know…

Caroline Boykin

Raleigh, North Carolina

caroline boykin

What is your training?

Art has always been a true love of mine. While in college I studied figure drawing in Florence, Italy for a summer and later received a BFA from Ole Miss with an emphasis in ceramics.

What inspires you and your designs?

I am inspired by moments in life. There can be joy and sadness and courage and fear all within a moment in time. My work is centered around capturing those moments and it is up to the viewer to decide what emotions they feel is in each piece. Texture, color, functionality, and line quality all inspire me and are important aspects of my expressive artwork. 

What is your favorite piece? 

Early in the Morning 36x36 Caroline Boykin

My favorite piece changes all the time. The recently created “Early in the Morning” has my heart at the moment. It is filled with movement and sass and invokes a lot emotions.

How has the your area influenced your work?

The south is a huge influence to me. Southern women and flora are constants in my work, there is much complexity to both!

What is your favorite restaurant in Raleigh?

Raleigh is filled with great restaurants. Third Place has killer breakfast burritos,  


Vivace for girly lunches, Stanbury or Bida Manda for yummy cockails and cozy dinners.
Pharaohs burgers for the day after.
 What is your favorite cocktail?
Pirates Cove Bushwackers (recipe) in Josephine, AL can’t be beat.
How do you balance personal life and work?
Such a struggle! Having an almost 2 year old makes life really fun and inspires my work greatly. 
Dream trip?
France with my hubby. 
Château de Chambord,  Centre,  France (Chambord Castle,  Loire Valley)
Dream commission?
I would love to create something for any of Collins Interiors
or Amy Berry‘s projects. There are some great designs coming from Dallas right now! 


Your favorite host / hostess gift to give?
Flowers. Art.
Who is your style icon?
 Kate Hudson. Love her momma too.
Your favorite up and coming artist?


What is your most treasured possession?
My baby girl and silver from my late grandmother Sue.
What are you reading?
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What are you listening to?
At the moment, Chris Stapleton


What are your favorite blogs / publications?

Well of course The English Room blog for the latest trends. The Scouted Life is always fresh as well. I am also a magazine junkie and love anything interior related.  

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Peruse her diverse portfolio…
















and I love the pouts that mix ceramics and painting! 


I have even used my “Pout” in the Traditional House Showhouse 

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and again in my One Room Challenge Fall 2015

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Follow Caroline on her website, shop, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook

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