Photography Love: Karine Laval at Soco Gallery

I am headed out the door to see these beauties…
SOCO Gallery is presenting Karine Laval‘s exhibition, Artificial by Nature, opening tonight.
I wanted you to share this show, featuring works from her most recent photographic exploration- a series entitled HeterotopiaArtificial by Nature presents a series of chromogenic prints that transform and question our experience of the natural world.
SOCO curators are so taken by Karine’s works, of which Angie Kordic, Senior Editor for WideWalls recently mused, “The fact that Karine Laval has been compared to great photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and William Eggleston is reason enough to realize she’s a talent, although the comparison has been made for two different things. While Cartier-Bresson could be seen as her inspiration for spontaneity, it is Eggleston’s use of color as a tool of expression that perhaps represents the backbone of her artistic pursuit and her most endorsed forte. Karine Laval’s fascination with the secrets of the surrounding world and the endless possibilities of a visual medium such as photography led her towards a number of fascinating discoveries, all of which resulted in experimentation with techniques and sometimes the mixing of media. Whether it’s digital or analogue photography, moving image or sound, luscious color or stark black and white, the art of Karine Laval is unusual and beautiful.”  

Read the artist bio HERE

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