Are you a KEEPer?
My latest online obsession is KEEP. This online site is a genius way to keep your shopping wants organized, as well as, check out what your friends and "tastemakers" are liking, buying and considering. Social Media and shopping are blending together to ultimate online store. You download the "Keep it" button to you browser bar similar to the "pin it" button. You can then "keep" until your hearts content from any store online.
After meeting the genius developers of this fab site at ALT Summit, I am thrilled to be part of the "KEEP" family as a featured tastemaker. Check out my keeps and get yourself signed up.
Be sure to sign up for the "KEEP it. Win It." contest to win a new pair of Louboutins…
Please Follow me on KEEP.
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Lisa Mende Design
Totally addicted too but haven't had much time to "keep" stuff!!! It's a totall juggling act!