Retail Therapy & Weekend Wants
Are you ready for the weekend? I’m happy to be in the NC mountains and the cooler weather.
It as HOT this week at home. Shopping is a great indoor activity.
Bloomingdales has such a good sale. I am adding to cart with THIS, THIS and THESE.
Matches Fashion has EXTRA10 off Sale too. I want THESE, THESE and THIS.
Net-A-Porter has my favorite Rose Carmine sweater on huge sale with EXTRA15 off too. I grabbed THIS and THiS.
Saks Fifth Avenue is also having a good one Spend $400, Get 15% Off
Spend $1000, Get 20% Off …Use Code SAVINGSSF at Checkout. I grabbed THIS and THIS.
The new Anthropologie tabletop is so so good!
So many wants…so little time.
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See & shop my Lacefield Designs Textile & Pillow Collection.
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