200th post and still going strong…
This is my 200th blog post. It is amazing how quickly 200 posts have gone by, just like summer.
I started blogging over 8 months ago as an outlet for my design ideas and a way to get The English Room, my interior design business, involved into the ever growing social media world. I signed up for Design Bloggers Conference as a way to force me to get going. I figured I needed a blog in order to attend. It also seemed like great marketing tool and it has been that but, so much more has come my way because of it. I want to thank all of my readers and supporters. I have truly loved the experience and and excited to keep going. I still have long lists of ideas that grow with each passing day. Getting to know other bloggers has been one of the greatest benefits. I have new network of friends across the USA and abroad that I did not have 9 months ago. I have been amazing places for conferences and continue to plan for the future. Thank you for your support!
The synchronized swimmers of our beach trip. I love this photo. The official end to summer. We went school supply shopping.
After that I need one of these…
The Champagne cooler of my dream to celebrate my 200th post. (via Pinterest)
FYI- I welcome your comments and suggestions. Let me know how I am doing.
Please remember to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE daily on Olioboard until August 22nd!
Thank you much…I truly appreciate your help.
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Tami Oliva
Congratulations on your 200th post Holly. Amazing!!